Elavil Bruxism


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teeth Clenching And TMJ

If you've been researching TMJ for some time and how to treat it, you've probably found one overall statement from every reliable source:

There is no real cure for TMJ.

The only thing doctors can do is give out strong pain relief medicines or muscle relaxation drugs. There is nothing else they can do.

Little by little, you get immune to the strong pain killers and other short term medications and they'll stop working for you (if they ever did relief your pain in the first place).

Your dentists may try his best to help you by making a dental implant. These implants are mostly meant to save your teeth from grinding down. It is not a permanent cure and usually doesn't relief the pain, although it may be well worth it to save your teeth.

The traditional health system has no cure for TMJ!

You can't really blame them tough.

TMJ is one of the most complex conditions you'll ever find.

Every TMJ patient has different original causes for his or her condition. And not only one cause or accident. There are probably several contributing factors causing your pain. Both physical and emotional.

Overwhelming feelings like stress, grief, or intense anger are often basic triggers of TMJ. Injuries, like car accidents or sport injuries are another common triggers.

You may not even have noticed at all when your condition began to develop. Maybe you bumped into something but didn't give it a second thought. Few days later you began to experience pain. Most often, there is no way to know the original trigger.

Okay, that's enough. Lets talk about what we DO KNOW!

What we know for a fact about TMJ is, the jaw joints are always misplaced in some way. It doesn't necessarily have to be complete misplacement (although sometimes it is). Small wrong misplacement can be enough. And the symptoms can be both nerve racking and painful...

* Jaw locking opened or closed

* Uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements

* Clicking, popping jaw joints

* Clenching or grinding at night

* Grating sounds

* Inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly

* Jaw deviates to one side when opening

* Inability to "find bite" with teeth

* Limited opening

* Frequent, migraine type headaches

* Extreme pain in cheek muscles

* Discomfort or pain to any of these areas

...are just few obvious symptoms. You may have some or all of them. Or non at all. Like I said, this is very complicated condition.

Another thing we know for a fact is, the jaw muscles are always very tense. It varies how painful they're or if they're torn but they're always too tense. These weak, tense jaw muscles will push your jaw further out of position and make the problem worse.

This is similar to back problems. Most people who suffer from back problems have weak, tense muscles. The back problem may have started by using bad position when working, by minor injury, or something else that didn't seem very serious at the time.

As self defense, the back muscles get tense to avoid the pain. This is unconscious and uncontrollable. That's why you often see people with back problem walk bent. The back pain becomes chronic when, the tension in the back muscles actually push the spine out of place. What was only supposed to be temporarily pain relief has caused serious condition.

It's no different with TMJ. Something that probably began as minor problem (maybe small bump on the jaw or period of intense feelings) is now becoming serious problem as the jaw muscles push on the jaw joints.

This, then leads to series of other problems.

Now the two jaw joints do not cooperate together. They're unbalanced and uncontrollable. It shouldn't really come as surprise that everything gets stuck. The pain is unbearable. It's like begin constantly tortured.

Nerves get squeezed when the jaw joints are out of place. This is, for example, the reason many people suffering from TMJ experience loss of balance. The nerve system, controlling the jaw are directly connected to the nerves in the ear, where the function balancing your body takes place.

All the muscles in your body are connected. If one gets tense, all the muscles around that one become tense too. You've probably, for example, felt your shoulders and neck get stiffer as your TMJ grows worse.

Less noticeable is the tension in all the small muscles in your head. Including your other face muscles, tongue, throat and even eyes. You may also feel like your throat is narrower now than before (you're not crazy it's true).

You don't have to imagine all the secondary symptoms this indirect tension from the jaw is creating. You're experiencing some or all of them yourself...

* voice fluctuations

* sore throat without infection

* swallowing difficulties

* bloodshot eyes

* tongue pain

* balance problems, "vertigo", dizziness, or disequilibrium

* feeling of foreign object in throat

* clogged, stuffy, "itchy" ears, feeling of fullness

* watering of the eyes

...plus endless other secondary symptoms, some people experience but others don't.

The only way to reverse the development of TMJ and heal your self is to loosen up and strengthen both the jaw muscles and all the muscles around the jaw.

This does actually not require hard effort tough. The exercises are simple and easy to do. But you have to practice them if they're are going to work for you.

1)The jaw exercises strengthen and loosen up the jaw muscles directly. As you practice these exercises, the jaw muscles stops pushing the jaw into wrong position. Instead, it guides the jaw joints into right place and that way heals your TMJ.

2)Consider how close the tongue is to the jaw. It's no wonder how important it is to remove any tension from this muscle. You do that using simple tongue exercises.

3)You probably noticed how many of the secondary symptoms had something to do with the throat. You'll feel a whole lot better after you practise the throat exercises for few days.

4)The neck and shoulder muscles are directly connected to the Jaw muscles. These muscles are usually the first one to freeze when the jaw muscles get stiff. They can, however, easily be put back into regular function using powerful neck and shoulder exercises.

5)All muscles need oxygen to function properly. Stiff muscles, reduce the amount of oxygen they can process. Using specially designed breathing exercises, you can bring these muscles back to life, so they may begin to function properly again.

Most people who practice these exercises claim to get really good relief from them. Many totally heal their TMJ permanently. This is amazing, considering how complicated this condition is.

But before you celebrate, let me be brutally honest with you.

This will most likely take some time and effort. The exercises take less than 10 minutes a day on the average. But you must commit to them for some period of time. Some people literally get healed over night but that's not the norm.

Your TMJ has been developing for years (even if the symptoms just showed up). So give the training few weeks. Even couple of months.

The muscles around the jaw must regain their old strength and flexibility. So must the jaw muscle itself. But that's not enough. The jaw muscles must guide and lock the jaw joints into natural healthy position. This happens little by little (often fraction of an inch a day).

The fact remains, this is the only method proven effective to heal TMJ. Nothing else helps!

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free? If so, follow this link to cure TMJ permanently...


Christian Goodman is the founder of The TMJ No More Program ( http://www.tmj-no-more.com ). The program has helped thousands of people to cure their TMJ without having to undertake dangerous surgery, dental implant or having to buy and use drugs every day.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learn to Cure Bruxism and How to Get Rid of This Problem and Learn How to Stop Teeth Grinding

If you have the feeling in mind that you would like to put an end to grinding your teeth, than this would be the ultimate site for you to visit. It also provides you with an easy, simple and inexpensive way to stop grinding and clenching your teeth and keeping them in a more healthy state.

Very few people are aware of this fact that the process of grinding and clenching your teeth at the night time is known as Bruxism and is also considered to be a very high disorder. It is also known to affect millions of people and can destroy your teeth thereby ruining it completely. The damage would be caused on a permanent basis even if it is not properly observed. The symptoms, causes, damage and effects of Bruxism are very clearly stated on this site and are well complemented with personal experiences. Visiting numerous doctors also sometimes remains unable to cure this problem. However stress is definitely not the cause of people grinding their teeth at night.

The site also states the way as how one can stop grinding teeth at night and this simple procedure is even simple than one could imagine and requires only two exercises and some simple life changes, one would be able to see a dramatic improvement. The program is regarded as the best guide on how to stop grinding teeth at night and saving your smile. The unlimited access to the members area and all types of future updates for life are some of the significant features which makes this site score high over all the others.

LEARN MORE Here: http://howtocurebruxismreview.wordpress.com

Treating Bruxism Through Hypnosis

Right now, hypnosis is used to treat a lot of behavioral problems. And during the recent years, experts are taking advantage of its use for bruxism. Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is that annoying sound people unknowingly make while asleep.

Bruxism can be caused by a lot of factors. Research show that bruxism could develop due to the physical defects of the jaws and teeth. However, stress is also a big factor why people grind their teeth at night. And it is also on this cause where hypnosis is most effective at.

Practitioners say that hypnosis is the best solution to bruxism caused by jaw tension. While a night guard may do a good job in preventing denture damages, it cannot reduce the pain in the head and the neck that are also caused by teeth grinding.

Bruxism patients are required to attend a 30-minute hypnosis session to correct the problem. The therapy could be just one session or more, depending upon the patient's mental stature. Inside the session, the subconscious of the patient are be taught to feel the sensation created when the upper and lower teeth touches each other. And the moment that happens, the mind is instructed to relax the jaw muscles and create a comfortable space between the teeth.

For people who find going to a therapist a little too much on their budget, they could opt for a bruxism hypnosis CD instead. The CD is best used before sleeping so it is easier to achieve a state of total relaxation. Some people report that using a hypnosis CD is as effective as the one conducted personally by a hypnotherapist.

On the average, patients who subjected themselves to hypnosis session for bruxism claim that they experience relief two to three nights after the therapy session. Luckier patients go through immediate relief. This means that right at the night of the therapy session, they don't grind their teeth any longer.

However, it is important to note that hypnosis, just like other treatment methods, is a healing process. Patients should not be too impatient on the results of the therapy. It could take some time to work, especially on people whose minds are not too accommodative to these types of treatment procedures.

If you want to try hypnosis as a permanent solution to bruxism, talk to a hypnotic expert whose proficiency lies on the treatment of bruxism. Local therapists who had gained reputation in the practice are your best choices.

Read our articles and find out more about How To Stop Teeth Grinding, Night Teeth Grinding and Teeth Grinding And Hypnosis at TeethGrindingCure.com

Bruxism - Everything You Need to Know!

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is the formal name for a potentially serious condition which can adversely affect your health. Bruxism is the unconscious action of clenching or grinding teeth, usually at night.

Who suffers from Bruxism?

Studies suggest that between 8% of the population suffer from the condition at any one time, but up to 80% of the population suffer from bruxism at some time during their lives. The etiology of bruxism is multifactorial, but stress is thought to be a major factor. Both women and men suffer from the condition, although women appear to be more susceptible.

What are the effects of Bruxism?

Bruxism sufferers can present many symptoms, including one or more of the following:

a) damage to teeth and dental work
b) early morning headache
c) disturbed sleep
d) noises from teeth clenching or grinding during sleep
e) TMJ pain or jaw pain
f) neck stiffness and pain
g) back and shoulder pain and discomfort.

What treatments are available?

The most common treatment for bruxism is a night guard that is worn at night. Dentists will usually recommend a night guard to help protect the teeth from the affects of bruxism. Other, non conventional treatments, such as hypnotherapy are also available but there is often limited clinical evidence to support the efficacy of such treatments.

Until relatively recently, the only choice has been an expensive custom made night guard, bite guard or splint appliance made by your dentist costing from £100 to £700. Over the last few years, orthodontic manufacturers have produced various types of night guards that can be fitted by the patient. However, not all night guards are the same. For example, some night guard manufacturers require you to boil the product and then put melted plastic in your mouth to create an impression. Hard to believe, but true! These products are known as `Boil and Bite`

For excellent cures, and other general info on Bruxism, please visit ... http://www.ixf.us



The Problem with a Bruxism Mouth Guard

If you have a problem with grinding your teeth at night (bruxism), your dentist may recommend getting a mouth guard. There are several problems with that option, the most obvious being that the night guard will not cure the teeth grinding.

If your dentist makes a custom bruxism mouth guard for you it will not be cheap. These types of mouth guards usually run between $500.00 to $700.00 and they will wear down over time. The mouth guard's purpose is to prevent further damage to your teeth and so instead of your teeth being damaged you will be "damaging" the night guard. Over time your teeth will grind away the mouth guard and then another expensive one will have to be made. It is a never ending process.

Having to wear a bruxism night guard for the rest of your life may be problematic as well. When you first get your mouth guard you will probably wear it every night but, lets face it, how long is that likely to continue? Every one of us who have had braces or some night time apparatus to help align their teeth knows that we couldn't wait until they came off. With a night time bruxism mouth guard will it be that much different? Wearing a mouth guard to bed at night is just not a comfortable thing to do for the rest of your life.

This leads to the conclusion that a bruxism mouth guard may not be the best long terms solution to the problem. It can be a temporary band aid but the teeth grinding will still be continuing and not be cured. Is there a cure for bruxism? Many feel that bruxism has to do with stress and stress related issues in a person's life. Dealing with that stress may be the solution for some people while it may not help others. There are other ways to tackle bruxism head on. They will probably not work overnight but they will set you on your way to curing bruxism rather than just putting a band aid over it.

Find out more about how to stop grinding teeth at my web site Grinding Teeth

Bruxism - Is it a Disease or an Uncontrolled Behavior?

Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. It can be considered both as a disease and as an uncontrolled behavior. Bruxism is defined as the act of consciously or unconsciously clenching one's teeth during the day or while sleeping.

People suffering from bruxism are rarely aware of their condition, especially if they tend to grind their teeth at night. Oftentimes, it is their roommates or their sleeping partners that are affected by their condition the most. Teeth clenching during the night may disrupt the patient's and another person's sleep, much to their discomfort.

With that said, bruxism is officially classified as a medical and a dental problem. Doctors believe that teeth grinding may be caused by stress suffered during the day carried out throughout the night. It may also be due to the following psychological concerns: frustration, anger, and an aggressive personality. Physically, bruxism may be caused by the abnormal alignment and development of teeth and jaws. Or it can be caused by other diseases and may show up as a side effect of certain drugs and medications.

To treat bruxism, it is important for patients consult both a doctor and a dentist. The dentist is normally the first stop. The dentist would check the extent of the patient's teeth grinding activities and would evaluate if it were caused by the defects in the structure of the jaws and teeth. If it were, then the dentist would proceed with the proper course of treatment right then and there. Otherwise, the patient would be referred to a medical professional or a psychologist to address the problem.

The cure for bruxism caused by physical defects on the teeth and jaws is surgery. For some patients, the use of night guards is sufficient. Bruxism may give way to total denture damage if not treated right away. And that could mean thousands of dollars in reconstructive dental restoration.

Bruxism caused by stress and other psychological problems are best addressed with behavior correction therapies. Here, the patient is subjected to a series of counseling in order to condition their minds away from the roots of the problem.

If bruxism is caused by medical concerns like an underlying disease, or if it developed as a side effect, a medical practitioner will be tasked to find the cure. A different set of medications with minimal or no side effects may be given to the patient, if it were diagnosed that the bruxism is the side effect of certain drugs. Oral medications that relax the jaws and facial muscles may be prescribed as well.

More than anything else, bruxism is a health concern. It is not advisable for patients to simply ignore it or live with it. Bruxism has to be addressed right on its onset. This is to make sure that complications like severe head pains are prevented.

Read our articles and tips about teeth grinding, teeth grinding in children and how to cure teeth grinding at TeethGrindingCure.com

Bruxism Is One Of The Causes Of The TMJ Syndrome

When a friend of mine recently complained of experiencing agonizing pain in her jaw each time she opens her mouth, I thought I have heard of a similar case from my husband's office co-worker with whom we had dinner not too long ago. It was during that dinner-meeting when I first heard about the TMJ syndrome (later I would know that TMJ means temporomandibular joints - jaw in layman's language), what causes it, and how it's treated. Sensing that the two cases are indeed of the same nature, I advised my friend to see a dentist immediately (that's what my husband's co-worker said he did the moment he felt he had the TMJ syndrome); she did.

True enough the dentist consulted by my friend confirmed she had the TMJ syndrome. A further check of her case revealed it was caused by her apparent habitual grinding or gnashing of her teeth. Many people exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which they do when they are asleep, or which they mindlessly do even while awake. Apart from its wearing down the teeth, bruxism also causes severe pain in the jaw.

Some people believe that bruxism is caused by stress. (Incidentally, stress is likewise known to have a role in the intensification of the problem caused by the TMJ syndrome.) They, therefore, conclude that the gnashing or clenching of the teeth is a means by which they can vent the anger or frustration inside them. A poor bite is also thought to be another cause of bruxism. This imperfect bite, or improper occlusion, is likewise believed to be one of the direct causes of the TMJ syndrome. In this condition, there is an abnormality in the coming together of the teeth. Specifically, the teeth do not work together as neatly or as exactly as they might.

Dentists usually recommend the use of a bite plate to help in preventing bruxism. This plastic dental aid is made from an impression of the patient's mouth and is worn over the lower teeth when the patient goes to bed. While this mouthguard may help in breaking the teeth-gnashing habit, it will not be able to deal with its causes successfully.

The troubles associated with the TMJ syndrome are characterized by any, or all, of these symptoms: a sharp pain in the jaw; difficulty opening the mouth (as well as in keeping it open); a clicking sound when moving the jaw; and difficulty masticating. In most cases, too, there can be severe headache, dizziness, and sinus problem.

The TMJ syndrome may have more serious causes, as in the presence of fractures, tumor (either benign or malignant), or cyst. Neurological disorders are likewise possible causes. All these, of course, can be ruled out by X-rays. In treating the pain caused by the TMJ syndrome, dentists usually recommend certain relaxation exercises, massage, heat treatment, and a diet consisting only of soft foods for easy chewing.

It was many years ago when the TMJ syndrome was first studied and researches relating to it were conducted. Still, cases of the disorder appear to be on the rise, affecting men and women almost evenly. The good news is that there is an all natural method that can permanently eliminate your TMJ pain at the soonest possible time.

Are you being tortured by TMJ? If you're at the end of your wits with your jaw pain, then discover an all natural method that permanently eliminates TMJ as soon as today. Visit The Natural TMJ Relief Program at Natural Relief Program for TMJ Pain.

Patricia Hannah is an advocate of good health and women's wellbeing. She writes informative articles on pertinent subjects, including Bruxism is One of the Causes of the TMJ Syndrome. You are permitted to publish this article in its entirety on condition that the author's name, bio, and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Do Mouth Guards Cure Bruxism?

Do you grind your teeth at night? Do you have bruxism? If you do, your dentist might be trying to get you to invest in mouth guards to protect your teeth.

I say "invest" because these mouth guards are not typically cheap. They normally run upwards of $600.00 because they are custom fit to your teeth. Your dentist will have to take impressions of your mouth and teeth in order to have the mouth guards specially made.

The problem with these mouth guards is that they don't stop you from your nightly teeth grinding. They do protect your teeth as advertised, but who wants to have to wear a mouth guard for the rest of their life? I know I would rather not. My last mouth piece was when I had braces and I don't want to have to deal with another mouth apparatus in this lifetime.

What are the chances of someone actually wearing a mouth guard every night for the rest of their life? After spending $600.00 I"m sure the incentive will be great to wear it for a while but like anything else the mouth guard will lose its appeal and end up in a drawer. Additionally, if you do wear it every night it will need to be replaced which will mean another $600.00 down the road.

What then, is the solution if the dentist's recommendation for a mouth guard for your bruxism is not to your liking? You can try to cure your problem yourself and that is what I am trying to do. Grinding teeth at night is usually a symptom of stress and other things which you can work to alleviate as long as you are able to identify the problem. There is no reason why you should feel pressured by your dentist to get the mouth guard which is really only a bandaid solution. Work on the problem and cure it yourself rather than cover it up with a mouth guard. Someday, you will be glad you did.

Are you looking for ways to cure bruxism? Please visit Stop Grinding Teeth to find out how.

What Is Bruxism - Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, night time teeth grinding, will effect three out of ten children with the highest incidences occurring in children under five. It is common for them to clench their jaw or grind their teeth, especially at night or under stress. There is no real direct cause for bruxism although teething and earache can cause your child to clench it's jaws or grind it's teeth, almost as though in relax to the pain. Your child will normally grow out of this type of bruxism when they stop teething.

Stress can be another cause, such as worry over an exam or problems at school. Problems at home with parents and siblings can also cause this reflexive grinding. There has also been a link between bruxism and children with hyperactivity.

Teeth grinding does not generally seem to hurt a child's teeth , although it can lead to morning headaches or earaches. With some cases of nighttime teeth grinding the results have been a little more harsh - chipped teeth, wearing down of tooth enamel, face pain and jaw problems and increased sensitivity to temperature.

If you think your child may be suffering from teeth grinding, first look out for the following signs:


  • Fingernail biting
  • Gnawing on toys, pencils or anything else hard and slightly yielding
  • Chewing the inside of the cheek
  • Thumb sucking
  • Grinding noises whilst sleeping
  • Your child complaining of a sore face or jaw in the morning


A visit to the dentist will confirm whether your child is suffering from Bruxism and they will be able to advise on what steps to take next. Many will grow out of this problem, especially with parental help and routine, but some may need further help, both physically and psychologically to alleviate the problem.

Bruxism can often be more disturbing for parents - or siblings - than for the sufferer; after all it is these that have to listen to the constant noise of teeth grinding. Teething affects all of us and some treatments may not be suitable for others. Have a look at my lens for more details on this and other problems: http://www.squidoo.com/yourchildshealth

Bruxism Causes and Cures

Bruxism is a sleep disorder that causes sufferers to grind their teeth while asleep. It affects over 20 million people and if left untreated can wear down your teeth and cause headaches, and ear ache. Bruxism can also lead to jaw pain and if you have any existing dental health problems it could make them much worse.

Over the long term bruxism can eventually wear away the enamel on your teeth causing sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Eating ice cream or drinking hot tea could become very painful.

What causes bruxism? It seems that many people who suffer from sleep apnea also suffer from bruxism. Sleep apnea is when someone stops breathing for a very short time during sleep and is associated with loud snoring.

Bruxism can be caused by stress, making your jaw muscles stiff and tense. You could try relaxation exercises to ease your tension and try and resolve the issues that are making you stressed. Regular daily exercise can help to ease stress as it releases endorphins which are natural painkillers that also produce feelings of happiness and wellbeing.

Smoking and drinking to much alcohol or caffeine can also aggravate the condition as they are all stimulants. Try cutting back on coffee especially a few hours before you go to bed. You could try drinking decaffeinated coffee instead. Bruxism can be a side effect of prescription drugs such as anti depressants.

Dental malocclusion is when the teeth are not properly aligned and don't fit together. This condition may result in bruxism with a subconscious reaction to the abnormality by grinding the teeth into correct alignment. Regular check ups at your dentist should reveal any underlying dental problems and prompt treatment will save a lot of problems in the future.

If your dentist suspects that you suffer from bruxism he will probably recommend a mouth guard for you to wear at night preventing you from grinding your teeth in your sleep

Stop grinding your teeth at night and save on expensive dental bills. Discover the causes and cures of bruxism and other sleep disorders at http://www.sleep-disorders.org.uk

Bruxism Treatment and Cure - Stop Teeth Grinding At Night

Teeth grinding is very common and it is referred to as Bruxism. It occurs when you clench or grind your teeth at night or during the day. Grinding involves sliding your teeth back and forth over each other. Doing this continuously can wear down your teeth and cause other problems. Sometimes it can be noisy enough at night to bother other people who may be sleeping near you. Both clenching and grinding can lead to jaw pain and other problems described below.

Bruxism is not considered a dangerous disorder although it can sometimes permanently damage your teeth and cause headaches, jaw paid and ear pain. Grinding your teeth at night can disturb roommates and sleeping partners. Sometimes if the jaw pain is severe it can lead to depression, insomnia and eating disorders. Grinding and clenching your teeth can also worsen existing dental problems.

There are various treatments and remedies for treating teeth grinding or bruxism. The treatments usually focus on reducing pain, modifying clenching behaviors and preventing permanent damage to the teeth. Some of the things that you can do at home to help relieve pain include:

- Relaxing your facial and jaw muscles and making it a habit to do this throughout the day.

- Applying wet heat or ice to sore jaw muscles.

- Drinking plenty of water

- Massaging the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders.

- And working on reducing your daily stress levels through relaxation.

Health professionals also often recommend that you avoid eating hard foods like steak, nuts and candies. If you're prone to stress and anxiety, managing stress can help reduce your bruxism.

A lot of people grind and clench their teeth subconsciously during the day and at night. However, sleep-related bruxism is often the bigger problem because it is harder to control.

Generally, there is no single cause of bruxism that medical professionals agree upon, but for many people, it may be triggered by continuous stress. There are also people who probably clench and grind but never feel the symptoms. Whether or not bruxism causes pain and other problems depends on many factors. These factors may include how much stress you are under, how tightly and how long you clench and grind, if your teeth are misaligned, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, ability to relax, and other factors. Each person is different but the symptoms and treatment is similar.

Click here for a comprehensive list of websites where you can find out about cures and treatments for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) and TMJ: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/bruxism/ Online. Discover all-natural methods for eliminating Bruxism and TMJ permanently without using Medicines, Dental Implant, Surgery or Devices such as Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards. © Katie Johnson: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/

What Is Bruxism And What Causes Teeth Grinding In Sleep At Night?

Bruxism is the medical term that is used to refer to the habit of grinding and clenching that abrades teeth and can cause jaw pain, tense muscles and headaches. It often occurs during sleep and may even occur during short naps or during the day. Statistics show that it is one of the most common sleep disorders with over 30 million Americans reported to grind their teeth during sleep. People who grind their teeth are sometimes referred to as bruxers. In addition to grinding their teeth, some bruxers may also bite their fingernails and chew the inside of their cheek. Very often, people usually aren't diagnosed with it until it is too late because so many people don't realize they have the habit. The effects may be quite advanced before sufferers become aware of the problem.

Can bruxism cause harm?

Although Bruxism is not considered a dangerous disorder it can cause other problems. People with otherwise healthy teeth and gums can clench so often and so hard that they may end up damaging their teeth over time. They may experience facial pain, jaw pain, headaches and tense muscles in addition to the excessive wear on their teeth. In extreme cases, the forceful biting when not eating may cause the jaw to move out of proper balance. Other literature says that it may lead to decayed, sensitive, worn-out, fractured, loose, or missing teeth.

What are the signs and symptoms?

One of the most common signs of bruxism is a flat look on the tips of the sufferer's teeth. The teeth may become so worn down that the enamel is rubbed off and the inside of the tooth, called dentin, is exposed. When exposed, dentin may become very sensitive. They may experience pain in their temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the jaw. Other symptoms include: abraded teeth, sore or painful jaw, oversensitive teeth, headaches, Earaches, anxiety, stress, and tension as well as insomnia, depression, eating disorders and tongue indentations.

Certain personality types and daily stress and are at the root of bruxism. Also bruxism tends to affect people with nervous tension. Things such as anger, pain and frustration have been known to trigger bruxing. If you're aggressive, competitive and hurried you may be at a greater risk for bruxism.

Remedies and Treatments - What can be done about it?

Bruxism sufferers may find that relaxation techniques and certain meditation may help to reduce teeth grinding. Many dentists automatically check for physical signs of bruxism during regularly dental visits. The main goal of treatment is to reduce pain, prevent permanent damage to teeth, and modify clenching behaviors by getting the bruxer to change behavior thorough learning how to rest the tongue, teeth and lips properly. When some sufferers become aware of their teeth grinding problem, simply advising them to change their behavior may be enough to get rid of the problem. Grinding which is due to stress can be cured by removing the stress trigger. These people may be advised to try to reduce their daily stress and learn relaxation techniques. Sometimes the dentist may recommend a plastic mouth appliance, such as a night guard, that's worn to absorb the force of biting. This appliance can prevent future damage to the teeth and help change the patient's destructive behavior.

Click here for a comprehensive list of websites where you can find out about cures and treatments for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) and TMJ: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/bruxism/ Online. Discover all-natural methods for eliminating Bruxism and TMJ permanently without using Medicines, Dental Implant, Surgery or Devices such as Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards. © Katie Johnson: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/

Gritting of Teeth (bruxism)

The first sign of your child’s gritting of teeth can be sounds you may hear in the night. If you hear a mysterious sound, resembling some creak, coming from a child’s room, come to him and learn.

Bruxism (greeting of teeth) occurs as a result of rhythmic clonus of masticatory muscles, accompanied by low sound, resembling gritting or clicking. During bruxism, a change of pulse, arterial pressure, breath etc. takes place. This phenomenon during sleep is met rather often. Mechanisms of bruxism origin are still not clear.

No personal changes, typical for those who suffer from bruxism were found. It is considered that bruxism can be one of displays of defects of sleep regulation, like somnambulism, night enuresis and nightmares. It was discovered that these phenomena are displayed more often under epilepsy.

Bruxism is found in 5-15% cases in population, and in about 50% of children. There’re facts about inherited predisposition to bruxism. Bruxism causes no problems for majority of children, and many of them get out of this habit with time. During sleep, you may notice several episodes of bruxism, lasting up to 10 seconds. If bruxism’s episodes last longer and are extremely intensive, then this may lead to damage of teeth and surrounding soft parts.

During severe fits of bruxism a child may wake up in the morning with headache, toothache and even painful feelings in his face. This may turn out to be very serious. If gritting of teeth lasts for more than months and years, teeth can undergo significant wear. Moreover, this may damage the joint that helps lower jaw to join a side of head.

If your child is gritting his teeth all the time, you should consult a dentist, which can make a special tire for your child, which won’t allow teeth to adjoin. If your child is gritting his teeth only sometimes, then you can try to use methods, recommended by experts, or you may also use them together with a tire in his mouth.

Give rest to jaws. If your child doesn’t chew, swallow or talk, his upper and lower teeth shouldn’t adjoin. If teeth adjoin, there’s only one step to gritting left. Explain to a child and ask him to try keeping his teeth slightly pulled out, when his jaws are relaxed.

Encourage exercising. Regular exercises can help your child to relieve stress and muscle tension, which lead to a night gritting of teeth.

Calm occupations before going to bed. A child shouldn’t take part in some struggle, drawing and other impetuous games before going to bed. Strained muscles need time to relax, before a child falls asleep. Create a calm atmosphere for your child 1 hour before he goes to bed. You can read a book or give him a possibility to read or look through pictures by himself during this period.

Try to put your child to bed earlier. Probably, your child is just too tired, and this may lead to gritting of teeth in the night. In this case, earlier going to bed may help him. If your child usually went to bed at 9 pm, try to put him to bed at 8 pm.

Avoid eating before going to bed. If digestive juices are working in the night, this may lead to excess tension of a baby during sleep. Don’t give anything to your child, except water, an hour before he goes to bed.

Speak with a child about his problems. If your child is worried with some difficult home task or a coming school performance, this may serve as a reason that makes him gritting his teeth in the night. If something worries a child, don’t let him go to bed with this anxiety in his head. Talk to him before he goes to bed, so that all troubles would leave him, this often helps to relieve tension. Make a 5 or 10 minutes conversation a daily sedative procedure before your child falls asleep.

Apply warm, wet compresses. If your child’s jaw aches in the morning, moisten a terry-cloth tissue in warm water, squeeze it and apply to an aching jaw till your child feels better. This will help to calm down pain.

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.

She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

Tooth Grinding, Bruxism

Tooth grinding, called bruxism, affects a large portion of adults—estimates range from 50 to 95%. It usually occurs at night, while the bruxer isn’t aware of it to stop it. You may have been a tooth grinder for years without realizing it. But if this is the case, how are you supposed to tell? How do treat it? And what’s so bad about it, anyway?

Bruxism is caused by a number of problems, but two of the main ones are stress and internalized anger. Too much work, too little sleep, too much worry, can all build up frantic energy in the body that finds an outlet only when you sleep, by letting itself out upon your teeth. Internalized anger occurs in people who have anger problems, but repress them—again, the repressed energy builds up. It has to go somewhere.

These, you may think, are problems that come with life. What are you to do about them? Relaxation techniques like Yoga help for some. Another way to cut down on your stress is to first cut down on your caffeine intake. Just a few less cups of coffee a week could make the difference between full, healthy teeth, and eroded white lumps.

Other causes are less personal in nature—tooth grinding can also be caused by calcium deficiency, parasites like pinworms, and an abnormal bite. If you discover that you are grinding your teeth, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your dentist. A dentist can recommend medicines and activities to rid yourself of the grinding problem. If your bruxism is caused by an abnormal bite, you may have to wear a mouth guard to prevent your teeth from knocking together. Over time, this mouth guard will reshape your bite until it (the mouth guard) is no longer necessary.

Now that you know how to prevent it, how can you tell if you have it in the first place? This is made more difficult if you live alone and no one is there to be bothered by the noise you make grinding your teeth at night. But there’s no need to worry, because the results manifest themselves physically. Some signs that you may be grinding are headaches, pain and tiredness in the muscle of the face, locking of the jaw (along with noises such as clicking), and sensitive teeth. These signs don’t necessarily point toward bruxism, but if you notice any of them it’s best to check with a doctor anyway, to be safe.

Tooth grinding does not always lead to harm. If you do it infrequently, then it may have no effect. But if you do it often, it can become serious, causing extensive damage to the jaw that may require surgery. It can also, in its most severe instances, cause hearing loss. So if you begin to experience frequent headaches and notice a wearing of the teeth, go see your dentist. This condition may grind away out of mind, but if allowed to continue unabated, it won’t be out of sight for too long.

The chalky, sometimes squeaking, sound of tooth grinding can alert your partner to your problem, even while you remain asleep and unaware. Other tell-tale signs include tooth wear, headaches, sensitive teeth, and fatigue and pain in the muscles of the face. Tooth grinding, called bruxism, is a condition with a variety of causes. Stress, calcium deficiency, pinworms, and an abnormal bite are all causes of tooth grinding. If your bruxing is caused by stress, it can be easily cured by relaxation techniques and cutting down on things like coffee and soda. However, if it is caused by any of the latter, it is best to consult a dentist for treatment. Since multiple factors can contribute to bruxism, you should see your dentist at the first realization of tooth grinding—neglecting it can lead to more serious problems, such as hearing loss.

Fashun Smith is a freelance writer and consumer advocate for http://www.CheckMyDentist.com, helping visitors locate a Dentist Houston and across the country.

Stop Grinding Teeth Tips

If the reason for teeth grinding in an individual does not have to do with a major illness such as nervous system disorder or a psychological problem, then using some of the tips mentioned here is likely to help in stopping teeth grinding which is not only painful but can have a long lasting impact. So if you are keen to protect your teeth enamel and save yourself discomfort from teeth grinding then here are some valuable tips for you:

1) Get rid of that stress. This is easier said than done but it is quite helpful if you unwind and de-stress yourself a bit to reduce anxiety which leads to teeth grinding. This is a tip which takes time to take effect but is likely to help you not just reduce teeth grinding but also reduce your blood pressure and have a positive impact on your life.

2) Practice a particular posture which helps you keep the upper and the lower teeth away from each other. This is not as funny as it sounds...and once you start doing it, it is likely to feel quite normal. You can keep your lips closed at this time. This is one of the most non-intrusive methods which can help you stop grinding your teeth.

3) If you are suffering from acute teeth grinding issues, you can use a restrainer which is like a muzzle inside your mouth which restricts teeth grinding. This is definitely not comfortable and can be quite hassling to use but in cases where there is too much of teeth grinding, then this is the only tip which seems to work.

4) Physiotherapy of the mild variety can help you stop teeth grinding as well. if you are medical practitioner confirms, then you can use a warm compress in the jaw area and also massage is gently to help loosen up tight muscles which might be leading to teeth grinding. A mild analgesic might also be prescribed by the doctor.

We hope that the above tips bring some relief to your teeth and jaw muscles. Remember, it takes time for these tips to really stop your teeth grinding.

My name is Adam Powell and I had been suffering from grinding teeth for years. At last, I found the best way to stop grinding teeth - Find it only on - http://www.stopgrindingteethnow.com

Stop Grinding Teeth Products List

Treating Bruxism has become a priority with many people and there are a list of stop teeth grinding products which are available to people. Some of the products include the following:

Psychological products:

These products are helpful for those who have stress-related teeth grinding issues.

1) Hypnosis: Wendi Friesen offers her hypnosis tips on curing teeth grinding and can be purchased at Wendi.com

2) deeptrancenow offers a combination cure of hypnosis and product which acts as a restrainer in the mouth. Though the success rate of this product is not known....it might be worth a try if you are really keen on stopping teeth grinding.

3) Cureforbruxism also seems to have positive responses from users and is recommended for adults.

4) Bruxismcure on Squidoo is yet another product which is highly recommended for helping fight teeth grinding and can be purchased online. However, this does require a good deal of reading and you need to be quite motivated to be able to complete this program.

Dental products for restraint and relief:

1) SleepRight adjustable mouth guard can really help control teeth grinding in the night and is highly recommended due to its durability and good built. More details can be found at splintek.com

2) Custom made mouth guards can also be used to help you control Bruxism. You need to speak to your local dental practitioner to be able to identify the right source for it.

3) GrindAlert is yet another anti-teeth grinding product and comes with a lot of technological background. Complete information can be found at bruxcare . this product not only helps you fight teeth grinding but also helps you track your teeth grinding activities while you sleep. Do keep in mind that GrindAlert does not come cheap by any standards!

With Bruxism being a common problem across the world, there are likely to be new products which are launched regularly. You can check online and also refer to your dentist in order to get details of new product launches which help fight Bruxism. Do ensure that these products have some medical referencing and the relevant approvals.

I had made a research and found the best stop grinding teeth product - Find it only on http://www.stopgrindingteethnow.com

Stop Grinding Teeth For Children

The key tip which can help stop grinding of teeth in children is the right diagnosis of the reason behind the problem. However, as you might already know that there are a number of very varied reasons for children when it comes to teeth grinding so what you can do is start with the mildest of the treatments and then go on from there. The mildest tips which can help children stop grinding their teeth are listed here:

1) Wait for them to stop. Sometimes inaction is the best action. If your child is getting new teeth, he might just be using teeth grinding as a way to get familiar with his teeth. Wait for a while before you take on any concrete measures to stop this grinding.

2) Use an herbal de-worming medicine to remove pinworms which might be causing the teeth grinding. Since this is one of the most common causes of teeth grinding...it is also one which comes with a pretty easy solution. If the child is suffering from teeth grinding related to worms, the de-worming should work wonders and make him/her stop immediately.

3) Bruxism or teeth grinding as it is officially known is a common ailment in children which might also be caused due to stress. Talking to the child, making him/her relax with soothing music, a warm bath and a mild jaw massage might be instrumental in reducing incidents of teeth grinding. This tip may not work immediately and it would take some time to settle the child into the pattern of relaxation as well so you need to be patient when trying this out.

4) If the teeth grinding shows no sign of stopping and you have already tried the three tips listed above, then it is time to get some external help. A mouth guard might be an option worth trying. Do keep in mind that this is an expensive treatment and might not be covered in standard dental plans.

As concerned parents, we might fight Bruxism as they might have a long lasting impact on the growth of the child. The main idea is to try all the tips to see which one works. If none of them are helpful, then a detailed medical evaluation might be the best way forward.

My name is Adam Powell and I have found the solution to grinding teeth - If you want to stop grinding teeth , visit us at http://www.stopgrindingteethnow.com

Grinding Teeth - The Most Common Causes

Teeth grinding is a common problem with many people and the reasons can vary from simple pinworms to complicated deficiencies. In fact, teeth grinding is not done consciously which means you might not even know about it until and unless someone tells you! The most common causes of teeth grinding are discussed below:

• Lack of calcium and pantothenic acid can cause stress leading to teeth grinding. The calcium deficiency is most common in children and can be met with oral intake but the missing pantothenic acid might require more detailed medical intervention. In fact, deficiency of magnesium might also result in teeth grinding which is common in adults as well as children.

• Worms like pinworms are another likely cause for teeth grinding and is a common occurrence in countries which have poor water facilities. A simple stool test helps identify this problem and this cause of teeth grinding is the easiest to treat. In fact, many doctors' use this as the first step of diagnosis before proceeding with other possible reasons for teeth grinding.

• The third cause for teeth grinding has more to do with the psychological development of a person rather than a medical cause. Suppressed anger and other psychological problems can be manifested by way of teeth grinding. This problem is common with children who have issues accepting their environment and with adults who are going through some kind of prolonged trauma. A central nerve disorder might also result in teeth grinding but this is definitely not an easy diagnosis.

• Another cause which might result in teeth grinding is the overall weakness of the teeth or a new filling which has not been done correctly. This makes teeth grinding a temporary problem and is only applicable to those people who have recently had a dental procedure.

If a person suffers from a prolonged case of teeth grinding then it is recommended that a medical check up is done to diagnose the cause. Long term teeth grinding can result in loosening of the jaw and teeth and can also result in mental unrest of the person and those near him or her.

My name is Adam Powell and I had executed the most comprehensive research to find how to stop teeth grinding. Find the results on the grinding teeth site - http://www.stopgrindingteethnow.com

Grinding Teeth - The Damages You Cause Yourself

It is ok to treat Bruxism in small children with no outward symptoms of mental distress lightly as many times they tend to get rid of this problem by the time they enter their teens. However, if Bruxism is an ongoing problem, you might need to be aware of the damages you cause yourself in the process:

1) Mental stress which is a result from teeth grinding stress. If you are grinding your teeth in the daytime, not only it becomes embarrassing...it can lead to a high level of mental stress as well. Mental stress can also be converted to lack of confidence or lowering of self esteem.

2) Permanent damage to teeth enamel and weakening of the jaw. Since teeth grinding is a powerful involuntary reaction, the power applied can wary from time to time. Teeth grinding causes long term wear and tear of the tooth enamel making it weak as well as quite unattractive. Jaw pain is also a common side effect of teeth grinding and there can be incidents of jaw damage which is not

3) Sudden headaches are also a common problem with teeth grinding. Since the jaw applies immense pressure, it can result in a headache which might last for quite some time. Though nerve damage can only happen in very extreme case of teeth grinding, it cannot be ruled out in standard cases as well.

4) Sleep disorders resulting from teeth grinding is also a common ailment arising in most children as well as adults. In fact this problem can be so disturbing that taking a mild sleeping pill might actually be recommended by the doctor in cases of long term teeth grinding.

Though it is painful, it is highly recommended that you treat your Bruxism so that you can avoid the general damages which it causes and help yourself lead a normal life. Remember, teeth grinding is curable and can be done if proper care is taken and is nothing to be ashamed of. There are many focus groups and online blogs which are related to teeth grinding and sharing it with others makes it quite bearable.

We have made the most comprehensive teeth grinding research to find the best way to stop grinding teeth Find it on http://www.stopgrindingteethnow.com

Is There A Cure For Grinding Teeth?

Millions of people suffer from Bruxism which is the term for teeth grinding. Grinding teeth is something that is caused by any number of things but most doctors and dentists blame it on stress and anxiety. It can also be caused by abnormal biting, sleep disorders, and crooked teeth. As you can tell, if you are a sufferer of bruxism, it may not be easy to determine exactly why.

Teeth grinding can be mild or it can be so violent that the teeth become damaged. Most people who suffer from bruxism have a mild case of grinding teeth at night while they sleep. Many of them might not even know they do it. Over time however, this nightly damage can add up to some serious damaging of the teeth. If you know you grind your teeth at night, it is best to find a solution now rather than waiting until more damage is done.

In some cases, the biting at night can be much stronger than what you might do when you are awake during the day. People have been known to exert up to five times more pressure at night than they do when they are awake. This leads to jaw aches, head aches, chipped teeth, and worn down teeth.

Is there a cure to grinding teeth? Most dentists will want to fit you with a mouth guard to use while you sleep. These are custom made and thus quite expensive, usually costing over $500.00. If you get one of these mouth guards, you may be protecting your teeth but you are not finding a cure. You may still wake up with the sore jaws and the head aches. The mouth guard doesn't stop the problem of teeth grinding, it just minimizes the damage.

Working on your stress levels and finding a way to reduce tension may be a better plan of attack to stop grinding teeth. If you can reduce your stress you will also reduce your unconscious desire to clench and grind your teeth. You can also work on reducing your stress right before you go to bed by doing jaw excesses. There is a way for everyone to cure their own case of grinding teeth. You just have to find it.

Learn more about bruxism and how you may learn to cure it at Grinding Teeth Cure.

How to Stop Grinding Teeth at Night

Grinding teeth at night or during the day (Bruxism) is very common and about one in three people suffer from some form of it. Most of the people who have this habit are not even aware of it until they get some signs and symptoms showing that it's been there. Bruxism occurs when you clench or grind your teeth at night or during the day. With clenching, you tightly hold your top and bottom teeth together, especially the back teeth. It puts pressure on tissues, muscles, and other structures around your jaw and can lead to a lot of pain in the jaws, soreness, headaches, damaged teeth, earaches and other problems such as insomnia. The symptoms may also cause what is known as temporomandibular joint problems.

Teeth grinding involves sliding your teeth back and forth over each other. Obviously this can wear down your teeth and make them sensitive. Grinding sometimes can be noisy to the point of bothering and waking sleeping partners. As with clenching, grinding can lead to jaw pain and other problems. Many people grind their teeth subconsciously during both the day and night, but night bruxism is often the bigger problem because it is very hard to control.

For many people, daily stress is the main thing that triggers bruxing. There is no single cause that has been agreed upon. Some of the factors that may bring about this habit include the following:

- How Stressed You Are

- Whether Your Teeth Are Misaligned,

- How Long and Tightly You Clench and Grind,

- Posture,

- Ability to Relax,

- Diet,

- Sleeping Habits, And Other Factors.

Symptoms of teeth grinding at night or during the day may include:

- Abraded Teeth

- Facial Pain

- Oversensitive Teeth

- Headaches

- Earaches

- Anxiety

- Teeth Grinding and Clenching

- Stress and Tension

- Insomnia

- Depression

- And Eating Disorders

Treatment for bruxism often focuses on reducing pain and changing behaviors that lead to it such as being stressed and tense. Treatment may involve the use of facial relaxation techniques and stress management if the bruxing is linked to daily stress. The sufferer may also be advised to stop eating hard foods like nuts, candies and steak and to drink lots of water. There are a lot of other self-care steps that the they can take at home such as learning physical therapy stretching exercises and relaxation techniques. To prevent damage to the teeth, mouth guards or appliances called splints may be used. Approaches to try to help people change their clenching and teeth grinding behaviors are more successful for daytime clenching but less effective for night time clenching which cannot be consciously stopped. In some sufferers, just relaxing and modifying daytime behavior is enough to reduce and stop grinding teeth at night.

Click here for a comprehensive list of websites where you can find out about cures and treatments for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) and TMJ: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/bruxism/ Online. Discover all-natural methods for eliminating Bruxism and TMJ permanently without using Medicines, Dental Implant, Surgery or Devices such as Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards. © Katie Johnson: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/

Eliminate Teeth Grinding And TMJ

There are people who clench or grind teeth while sleeping. If you have this mannerism at night, although you are not aware of it, still it is something that raises concerns to most people especially to your roommate, family or spouse. They could tell you that you are grinding teeth while sleeping and they are too concerned because they are often annoyed by the sound you make in the middle of the night. You have to find a way to eliminate teeth grinding to help yourself and the people around you.

This problem is not given much attention because most people who have this habit of teeth grinding are not aware of it unless someone told them. But aside from the annoying sound you make at night that disturbs people around you, you must be concern too with other effects or health risks that you may suffer in the future. That is why it is important to eliminate teeth grinding to avoid heath issues in the future.

Some of the effects of teeth grinding includes cracks in the teeth or worst tooth loss because of too much clenching and pressure. Headaches and earaches during the day are also common problems associated with teeth grinding. Another problem that may arise is pain in the jaw or jaw joint problem called TMJ or temporomandibular joint problem. You have to find ways to eliminate teeth grinding before it could become chronic leading to other health problems.

To eliminate teeth grinding, you have to understand what causes this involuntary habit while sleeping. Knowing the cause will help you know what you need to do to finally eliminate teeth grinding. Stress is one factor that could lead to clenching of teeth at night. This involuntary mannerism serves as an outlet of your stress while you are sleeping. Psychological or mental problem is also another factor that could trigger it. And lastly, misalignment of teeth could also cause this problem.

To totally eliminate teeth grinding, you have to address what causes it. Try to live a stress-free life or learn how to de-stress and relax. Yoga, exercises and giving yourself sometime away from work can help you manage stress. When it comes to other issues like mental problems and teeth alignment, you need to see your doctor to know the right treatment for these problems.

Getting help to eliminate teeth griding is important. Did you know that you could stop teeth grinding, jaw clenching or TMJ using natural methods? Discover an all natural method to eliminate teeth grinding visit Unique Cure For TMJ and Tooth Grinding

To know more about TMJ remedies visit http://stop-tmj.blogspot.com/

To know more about beauty and health remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Eliminate Teeth Grinding and TMJ. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching, And TMJ Disorders

TMJ refers to the tempromandibular joints, which are the joints of the jaw that connect the lower jaw bone (mandible) to the skull. These joints allow us to open and close our mouths, chew our food, and speak to one another (or ourselves). A TMJ disorder is any condition which interferes with these actions. Teeth grinding, teeth and jaw clenching, and locked jaw are some examples of conditions which relate to TMJ disorders.

They are sometimes difficult to diagnose, as there are many different causes for these conditions. TMJ disorders are most commonly caused by muscle tension in the jaw, perhaps due to increased stress and anxiety, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, or excessive chewing. Some other habits may be linked to TMJ disorders, such as consistently sleeping on one side of the jaw, chewing a lot of gum, or overextension of the jaw.

Other causes of TMJ disorders may be misaligned jaw joints or teeth, either due to structural problems with the jaw or teeth (such as a birth defect or scar tissue), or due to an injury to the jaw or surrounding areas. Other conditions such as arthritis may also lead to TMJ disorders.

If left untreated, these disorders can lead to headaches, earaches, joint and muscle pain (especially in the face, neck, and shoulders), loss of sleep, locked jaw, difficulty opening and closing the mouth, a clicking sound in the jaw, and/or limited movement of the head and neck.

Many people experience some of these problems and, most of the time, minor problems with the TMJ will correct themselves over time. They may reappear down the road, but the condition will not normally get any worse. However, some people suffer chronically from TMJ disorders, and must receive some type of treatment to deal with the pain and discomfort they may experience.

One of the best treatment options for teeth grinding, clenching, and other TMJ disorders are the use of dental mouth guards or splints. These custom-made guards are provided by your dentist and are used to relieve tension on the jaw during sleep. They help prevent teeth grinding and, if used regularly, can help curtail these nocturnal habits. Two common types of these guards are full upper mouth guards, which fit over all of the upper teeth, or NTIs, which are worn around only the top front teeth and have a high success rate stopping clenching.

Other methods to help treat TMJ disorders are available, and the best method really depends on the exact cause/s of the disorder. If high stress or anxiety levels are to blame, then stress management techniques may be the best line of defense. If the problem is due to structural problems with the teeth or jaw, then dental adjustments may bring these problems to an end. No matter what the cause, applying soothing heat to the area is often helpful, as well.

Consult your dentist to find out what steps can be taken to help treat any TMJ disorders you may be suffering from.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Richmond Dental Health. The dentist office provides cosmetic, family, and preventative dentistry procedures throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their Cosmetic, Family, & Preventative Dentistry in Richmond Virginia please visit their website.

Teeth Grinding Causes - Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?

There are many reasons why people grind their teeth. Medical researches do not agree on a single cause and it appears that there is a mix of factors that may lead to this habit. Bruxism is the technical term that is used to refer to teeth grinding and clenching. There are many people who clench and grind their teeth but they never feel the symptoms. Below are some of the factors that are often cited as some of the causes of this condition.

If you're continuously under a lot of stress and tension, you may be prone to bruxism. Learning to reduce your daily stress and learning some relaxation techniques may help. You may want to enrol on a stress management program. The reason why people grind their teeth consists of a complicated mix of factors which include how stressed you are, how long and how tightly you clench or grind, your ability to relax, whether your teeth are misaligned, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, and other factors. Each person is different and so are the causes and symptoms. Symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching may include grinding teeth, painful jaw, headaches, earaches, anxiety, stress and tension. Symptoms may also include insomnia, depression and eating disorders.

Teeth grinding and clenching usually focus on reducing pain and preventing damage to teeth. To cure bruxism, you need to remove and eliminate the cause and modify your behavior as much as possible. Experts recommend that you relax your facial and jaw muscles throughout the day and try to make facial relaxation a habit. Massaging the muscles of the shoulders, neck and face can also help. A physical therapist can help you learn stretching exercises to help the restore a normal balance to the action of the muscles and joint on each side of your head. Remedies such as applying ice or wet heat to sore jaw muscles also have beneficial effects.

In terms of diet, health professionals recommend that sufferers avoid eating hard foods like candies, nuts and steak. Drinking plenty of water every day and getting plenty of sleep is also recommended. If your teeth grinding is caused by stress, try to reduce your daily stress and learn relaxation techniques. Stress reduction and anxiety management may help reduce or eliminate bruxism. To prevent damage to the teeth, mouth guards may be recommended.

Click here for a comprehensive list of websites where you can find out about cures and treatments for Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) and TMJ: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/bruxism/ Online. Discover all-natural methods for eliminating Bruxism and TMJ permanently without using Medicines, Dental Implant, Surgery or Devices such as Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards. © Katie Johnson: http://www.abouthealthtips.com/

Parasomnia - The Truth About Bedwetting, Teeth Grinding, And Other Sleep Problems

At first mention of the phrase sleeping disorder, the thing that would probably pop out of your mind is insomnia, or a condition whereby a person is experiencing difficulty in maintaining or initiating sleep. However, the more common sleeping disorder, which affects the very young to the very old, is actually called parasomnia. All of us, at one time, have actually experienced at least one type of parasomnia in our lifetime.

Uncovering The Truth About Parasomnia

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, parasomnia is defined as any type of sleep disorder that commonly inhibits sleep. Parasomnia can either occur during non rapid-eye movement sleep, NREM for short; or rapid-eye movement sleep, more commonly known as REM. Therefore, a person who has parasomnia may experience sleep disruption or arousal when he or she is in a simultaneous stage of being partially asleep and awake. The sleep problems can be passive, such as talking while sleeping or bedwetting; or dangerous, such as sexually assaulting or harming other people.

What Causes Parasomnia?

Biological factors, depression, and stress are some of the most common causes of parasomnia. People who have problems and are plagued with guilt, tension and anxiety are believed to be at risk of experiencing various sleeping disorders, most of which can fall under the category of parasomnia. Some experts also believe that heredity plays a huge role in some of the types of parasomnia, including bedwetting, sleep talking and teeth grinding.

Although numerous studies have already been conducted to get a definitive answer to what really causes parasomnia, sleep experts were still unable to come up with a sufficient explanation as to the cause of some sleep disorders. One thing that experts agree on is that parasomnia sets off, in an inopportune moment, one or several physiological systems while a person is in the sleeping and waking cycle.

Common Types Of Parasomnia


This type of parasomnia, which is also known as Sleep Enuresis, is more common in children. Usually, a person suffering from this problem is incapable of controlling his or her urinary functions during sleep. A lot of people who experience sleep enuresis claim that they thought they were dreaming about urinating or relieving themselves.

Bruxism During Sleep

Teeth grinding, or what is called sleep bruxism, is quite common. Usually, a person who exhibits this disorder involuntarily clenches or grinds his or her teeth at night. Soreness of the jaw and faster wear and tear of teeth are some of the effects of this nocturnal habit. One way to remedy the situation is by wearing a mouth guard during sleep.

Confusional Arousals

Basically, when you wake up in the middle of the night and feel temporary confusion and alienation, then you have just experienced confusional arousal. For some people, however, this sleep disorder may also affect their short-term memory and reaction time.

Nightmares or Night Terrors

Nightmares, although fairly common, are considered as a sleep disorder because a person who suddenly wakes up in the middle of his or her sleep because of vivid frightful events usually find it difficult to sleep again. This type of parasomnia is more common in children.


This type of parasomnia, which is called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, is actually the acting out of dangerous and violent dreams. Thus, a person who has RBD may produce sounds or display bodily movements that demonstrate his or her dream. Some people who are suffering from RBD really beat their sleep partner or do violent acts against other people while they are asleep.


This sleep disorder is more commonly known as sleep talking. Somnabulism frequently occurs during the middle of a sleep-wake stage. Most of those who talk in their sleep do not remember that they have uttered words, phrases or even sentences while they were asleep.

You really do not need to undergo treatment or medication in most cases of parasomnia. More often than not, these sleep problems disappear in time. However, if your problem is already getting worse, interfering with your sleep, and are hurting other people, then you immediately need to see a doctor.

If you are just having difficulty in finding sleep, you can take sleeping aids. One product that will help you with your sleep problems is Sedamine. For more information about this supplement, visit www.Sedamine.com

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com

Sleep Disorder - Sleep Teeth Grinding (Symptoms and Causes)

The medical term for teeth grinding during sleeping hours is sleep "bruxism." It is a condition that affects both kids and adults.
During sleep, kids and adults who have bruxism grind or gnash their teeth. This usually occurs in the early part of sleep time. Some people with bruxism unconsciously clench and grind their teeth during the day when they feel anxious or tense.

Most cases of bruxism are mild and may never require treatment. A lot of people have some form of bruxism. In cases where it does become very frequent and violent it can lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems. The bad news is most people who have sleep bruxism are usually not aware of the condition, so they are not diagnosed until some kind of complication occurs. It is important to know the symptoms and causes before those complications occur.

Symptoms of sleep bruxism include:

• Earache- because of violent jaw muscles contractions

• Teeth grinding or clenching which is loud enough to awaken your sleep partner

• Increased tooth sensitivity

• Teeth that are worn down, flattened or chipped

• Dull morning headache

• Chewed tissue on the inside of your cheek

• Chronic facial pain

• Jaw pain or tightness in you jaw muscles

• Worn tooth enamel, exposing the inside of your tooth

Causes of sleep bruxism include:

• Anxiety, stress or tension

• Aggressive, competitive or hyperactive personality type

• Suppressed anger or frustration

• Dental problems

• Complications of Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease

• An uncommon side effect of some psychiatric mediations including antidepressants

In children sleep bruxism may be related to growth and development. If a child's top and bottom teeth do not fit together comfortably, some researchers think this can cause sleep bruxism. Other researchers believe children grind their teeth because of tension, anger, allergy problems, or as a response to pain from an earache or teething. The age for children is around 5 or 6. Sleep bruxism is common in children with cerebral palsy or severe mental retardation. Researchers say most children outgrow sleep brusixm before they get their adult teeth.

Source: Mayo Clinic (2005)

Disclaimer: *This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of a health problem. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult with your health care provider about any kind of a health problem and especially before beginning any kind of an exercise routine.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. Article written 2-2007.

Author: Connie Limon, Trilogy Field Representative. Visit http://smalldogs2.com/NutritionHealthHub and http://www.camelotarticles.com

How to Eliminate TMJ and Tooth Grinding

If you have TMJ you would know that it can be a painful and disturbing condition. You would therefore naturally want to find a way to eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. It may not however be as simple as going to the dentist. What is a good solution for your TMJ problem?

Grinding and TMJ

TMJ pain should not be your sole reason for eliminating the condition. Teeth grinding is one way to make your TMJ pain and discomfort worse. Frequent grinding can put a lot of pressure on your jaws and muscles. This is the main reason why you should eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding together. Aside from preventing TMJ pain, getting rid of your grinding habit can also protect you from getting worn or damaged teeth.

There are many causes of teeth grinding and the various methods of treatment depend on these various causes. Grinding may be caused by stress, a bad bite and bad teeth. Some people also unconsciously grind their teeth while they are asleep at night. You have to know and understand the unique cause of your grinding habit to be able to effectively eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding.

Doctors and Treatments

As mentioned, the particular cause or reason behind your TMJ problem may influence how you can eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. The kind of treatment however will also depend on the kind of specialist that you approach. If you have an existing dental problem that is the cause of your teeth grinding then you may have to approach a dentist or an orthodontic expert. They may prescribe the following solutions:

- Your specialist may require you to wear a special night guard that can help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. Sometimes, the guard may have to be worn in the morning too. The use of a guard however should depend on your condition. Some patients have experienced worsening conditions due to guards

- If you have a bad bite then your specialist may require dental therapy or restoration. You may also be fitted with special devices such as bridges and crowns

Other Methods

Your specialist may prescribe another form of treatment to help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding if the condition is not caused by dental problems. The following are some examples of possible treatments:

- Stress management techniques can help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding in people who have a TMJ condition because of stress. Stress management however encompasses a variety of techniques and methods. The ones that you choose to adopt will depend on your comfort level. You can choose to practice yoga and meditation or you can opt to undergo group or one on one counseling. Other related techniques include progressive relaxation, NLP and biofeedback.

- Sometimes the best way to eliminate mild conditions of TMJ is to simply allow your jaws to rest and watch the habits that may aggravate TMJ. You could for example avoid eating hard foods.

- Depending on your TMJ condition, you may benefit from gentle jaw exercises and massage.

Know more techniques on how to eliminate tmj and tooth grinding. Discover the best tmj cure for you.

Eliminate Tooth Grinding And TMJ

Teeth grinding is medically known as Bruxism. This happens in the night while sleeping and is generally caused due to deficiency of certain essential vitamins or minerals in the body such as Calcium, Magnesium and Pantothenic acid. Other reasons for this symptom could be stress, anger and presence of parasites like pinworm. The person suffering from this problem will usually not recognize it unless pointed by someone else. If this condition is not treated, it can cause several problems such as headaches, wearing away and loosening of the teeth and reduction of the gums.

Since deficiencies are the primary cause, the first step to get cured of this problem is to take supplements of calcium, magnesium and pantothenic acid before going to bed at night. This will help you to relax and reduce muscle cramps and involuntary movement of the muscles. It is also a good idea to get your stool checked for parasites and treats it if required. A warm bath taken just before retiring for the day will sooth your system and reduces stress thus lessening the symptoms of bruxism. You can also try massaging your jaw with a mixture of lavender oil along with olive or almond oil. Alternatively, drinking some lavender tea regularly might do the trick.

If the symptoms persist, you should see a dentist who can recommend a mouth-guard, which can be worn while sleeping. Therapy can also be considered if you suffer from too much stress and have pent-up anger.

Stress and teeth grinding also cause TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction. If you are suffering from this condition, you will experience pain around the temples caused by tension and jaw clicking. A dentist will be able to confirm whether you suffer from this problem and can also help cure it through some treatment or devices such as a mouth-guard. If there is a tooth alignment problem, the bite can be easily corrected by the dentist. Once the alignment is proper, TMJ should reduce. If a mouth-guard is required, it can be purchased from a drug store or even a sports store. You can even get one custom-made by the dentist to fit your mouth shape and size if that is more comfortable for you. Stress reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise and generally slowing down your pace should help in alleviating the symptoms and discomforts caused by TMJ.

Some other things that you can try to relieve you of this problem is having a balanced diet along with daily supplements of calcium and panthothenic acid. Eliminating caffeine from your diet and reducing your sugar intake will be really helpful. You should decrease your intake or coffee, tea, colas and sweets. It has also been found that sleeping on the back relieves the symptoms, as there is less pressure on the face.

Some TMJ cases, especially in the advanced stages may be quite difficult to treat and might require surgery or medication. If your symptoms persist, please visit your dentist who will prescribe the best treatment for your condition depending on the extent of damage.

For a 100% all-natural TMJ cure please visit http://www.tmjcure.info

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Monday, October 27, 2008

How To Stop Bruxism - Is There A Permanent Cure For Bruxism?

Are you trying to find out how to stop bruxism? Is there really a cure for bruxism that can treat bruxism permanently?

Well, it depends on what are the causes of your teeth grinding. Depending on the causes, the treatment meted out will be different.

Here are some common causes and treatment of bruxism:

1) Stress

It is said that stress is the number one cause of bruxism. In this situation, the most obvious cure is to work on your stress level. There are many things that you can do to reduce stress.

Exercises like yoga and taiji are very effective in relieving stress. You may even try to relax before you sleep by listening to some relaxing music. If your conditon is caused by stress, this approach can be very effective in stopping bruxism.

2) Drugs

Certain drugs may cause bruxism as a side effect. Consult your doctors and dentists and find out what is the actual problem. If the drugs are causing you to grind your teeth at night, sometimes, all that is necessary is for your doctor to change the drug that you are consuming.

3) Defect in your teeth structure

Sometimes, dental problems can also cause bruxism. A possible treatment may be to perform surgery to correct your teeth structure. You will want to consult your dentist about it.

What happens if the methods described above doesn't stop bruxism. In such a situation, you dentist may give you a night guard for you to wear inside your mouth. However, this is not a permanent solution as you are still grinding your teeth. The only difference is that now, you are damaging the mouth guard instead of your own teeth.

While bruxism is not a very serious disease, you should try to stop bruxism as soon as possible it as it can lead to very serious, long term damage to your teeth if you don't start doing something about it now.

How to stop bruxism permanently?

Discover how to permanently stop Bruxism naturally in just 7 minutes a day at http://www.squidoo.com/howtostopbruxism

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How To Stop Bruxism - How To Stop Grinding Your Teeth Permanently

Perhaps you are wondering how to stop bruxism permanently. Or maybe you are wondering if you are suffering from bruxism.

The problem here is that people who are suffering from bruxism may not know that they are a victim because it usually occurs at night while they are sleeping. Unless they have room mates sleeping in the same room, it may take some time before they find out about their condition.

Perhaps, you may want to look out for the following symptoms. If you are suffering from most of the symptoms described below, it is quite likely that you are grinding your teeth at night.

1) You always have unexplained headaches in the morning
2) Your teeth is sensitive to hot and cold food
3) You always wake up at night for no apparent reason
4) You have some chips on your teeth and you don't know why
5) Your jaws feel very tight and painful, especially in the morning

If you are suffering from these symptoms, it may be time for you to seek treatment. Depending on the causes of your bruxism, the right treatment can stop your bruxism permanently.

The common causes of bruxism includes stress, dental problems and side effects caused by drugs. The respective treatments are stress reduction therapy, surgery to fix your dental problem and the change of drugs.

In these treatment doesn't help you to stop your bruxism, a dentist may give you a bruxism mouth guard that you have to wear in your mouth. While this is not a permanent solution to stop bruxism, it can at least prevent you from damaging your teeth in the short run.

How to stop bruxism permanently?

Discover how to permanently stop Bruxism naturally in just 7 minutes a day at http://www.squidoo.com/howtostopbruxism

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TMJ And Tooth Grinding

If you suffer from TMJ, you've probably come here after researching the subject for a while. The reason you're here is that you've found no reliable method. You have visited lots of information sites, maybe read some books and they all say the same thing:

There is no reliable cure for TMJ!

Your doctor is probably doing his best to relief your pain. He has most likely subscribed you strong pain relief pills. Maybe some muscle relaxation medications too. But that's it.

No more he can do.

All these medicines fail. Even if they reduce the pain a little for a while in the beginning, they'll stop working little by little as your body gets immune to them.

Your dentists may try his best to help you by making a dental implant. These implants are mostly meant to save your teeth from grinding down. It is not a permanent cure and usually doesn't relief the pain, although it may be well worth it to save your teeth.

So why has science failed you?

One of the reason why it has been so difficult to find cure for TMJ, is how complex this condition is. There is probably no single cause for all cases of TMJ. There are rather combinations of several causes. And the causes are probably both physical and emotional.

Intense stress, grief, or anger often trigger TMJ. So can injuries (from a car accident for example).

You may not even have noticed it when you accidentally bumped into something. Few days later, you began to feel this pain in your jaw.

There is often no way of knowing what originally triggered your TMJ.

Okay, enough of what we don't know?

We do know that the Jaw joints are always misplaced in some way. It's sometimes sever, other times it's minor misplacement. The effects can be extremely painful and irritating at the same time...

  • Clicking, popping jaw joints
  • Grating sounds
  • Jaw locking opened or closed
  • Extreme pain in cheek muscles
  • Uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements
  • Clenching or grinding at night
  • Discomfort or pain to any of these areas
  • Limited opening
  • Inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly
  • Jaw deviates to one side when opening
  • Inability to "find bite" with teeth
  • Frequent, migraine type headaches

...are just few obvious symptoms. You may have some or all of them. Or non at all. Like I said, this is very complicated condition.

What we also know is that the muscles around the jaw are always tense. Sometimes they're torn a little, sometimes they're sore, but they're always tense. Weak, tense muscles do not support the jaw in the right way and will actually push it out of position, making this big part of the problem.

This is similar to what happens with back problems. The back muscles are stiff and weak to begin with. Then something happens, which puts strain on the back. Maybe working in a wrong position or small injury. It didn't really feel very bad in the beginning.

To avoid the mild pain, the muscles in the back get tense. It jut happens. This is a function nature gave us to deal with pain. The real problem begins when the tension in the back muscles push the spine (even just a little bit) out of place. What should only have been minor problem if the person had exercised and strengthen the back muscles, is now chronic, serious condition.

I'm telling you this because TMJ develops the same way.

Your TMJ may have began as minor problem like short period of intense feelings or light bump on the jaw. Then as your jaw muscles get more tens and push the jaw out of position, it has developed into a major condition.

This is the beginning of series of other problems.

Now the two jaw joints do not cooperate together. They're unbalanced and uncontrollable. It shouldn't really come as surprise that everything gets stuck. The pain is unbearable. It's like begin constantly tortured.

Nerves get squeezed. Either directly by the misplaced jaw or the tense muscles around it. The same nerves lie around the jaw as the ears. The same nerves that control the balance system. That's why you may experience dizziness or lack or balance for example?

No muscle is an island. They're all connected, either directly or through the nerve system. If your jaw muscles get stiff, all the other muscles around it will tense up too. You've probably experienced your shoulders and neck become more tense, as your TMJ has grown worse. This is only one example.

You may not have noticed how all the small muscles in your head (including the throat muscles, tongue, and eyes) have more tension in them now than they did before. This is serious.

You don't have to imagine all the secondary symptoms this indirect tension from the jaw is creating. You're experiencing some or all of them yourself...

  • <strong>arm and finger tingling, numbness and or pain </strong>
  • pain of the hard palate in the mouth
  • <strong>tongue pain </strong>
  • voice fluctuations
  • <strong>swallowing difficulties </strong>
  • hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring sounds
  • <strong>blurring of vision </strong>
  • watering of the eyes
  • <strong>swallowing difficulties </strong>

...and hundreds of other secondary symptoms, you may or may not have experienced your self.

The only way to reverse the development of TMJ and heal your self is to loosen up and strengthen both the jaw muscles and all the muscles around the jaw.

This can be accomplished using easy, yet extremely effective exercises:

1)Working directly on the jaw muscles strengthen and loosens them up. Healthy jaw muscles guide the jaw joints into right position instead of misplacing them.

2)Consider how close the tongue is to the jaw. It's no wonder how important it is to remove any tension from this muscle. You do that using simple tongue exercises.

3)The throat exercises strengthen the throat. The throat muscles are some of these 'hidden' muscles we seldom pay attention to. They're however extremely important and if they're stiff, you'll suffer several symptoms in your throat.

4)The neck and shoulder muscles are directly connected to the Jaw muscles. These muscles are usually the first one to freeze when the jaw muscles get stiff. They can, however, easily be put back into regular function using powerful neck and shoulder exercises.

5)All muscles need oxygen to function properly. Stiff muscles, reduce the amount of oxygen they can process. Using specially designed breathing exercises, you can bring these muscles back to life, so they may begin to function properly again.

Most people who practice these exercises claim to get really good relief from them. Many totally heal their TMJ permanently. This is amazing, considering how complicated this condition is.

But before you get your hope to high, I'm going to be brutally honest...

It varies a lot how quickly people receive relief using these exercises. Some people get healed almost over night. Others need up to 2 months to get acceptable results. You've been developing this condition for years (even if you just recently experienced the symptoms). So be patient waiting for results.

It will also take some time for your jaw to gain the strain to guide your jaw joints into their healthy, natural position.

The fact remains, this is the only method proven effective to heal TMJ. Nothing else helps!

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free? If so, follow this link to cure TMJ permanently...

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Christian Goodman is the founder of The TMJ No More Program (www.tmj-no-more.com). The program has helped thousands of people to cure their TMJ without having to undertake dangerous surgery, dental implant or having to buy and use drugs every day.

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Christian Goodman is the founder of The TMJ No More Program. The program has helped thousands of people to cure their TMJ without having to undertake dangerous surgery, dental implant or having to buy and use drugs every day.

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